Shift Shop


Chris Downing...

He may not be a household name just yet. But, if you've ever searched YouTube for "NFL Workouts", you've seen his work.  He's trained athletes and non-athletes, youth and professionals, and everything in between.

And now, he's bringing his expertise to every home through Beachbody On Demand

SHIFT SHOP is a 3-week program with each week's workouts progressing in duration and intensity. Anyone can get started and build their strength as Chris takes them to the next level of fitness.  He uses the same concept with nutrition as each week you cut starchy carbs and replace those increased servings of vegetables and lean protein.

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Week 1: Chris uses shorter, 25-minute workouts that’ll help you stay focused and committed. And you’ll be eating a healthy balance of carbs, protein, and fat.

Week 2: Just as your body adapts to the workouts, Chris increases their length to 35 minutes. Plus, you’ll cut back on the starchy carbs, while revving up the proteins and veggies.

Week 3: This is where it all comes together for the grand finale. Seven days of higher-intensity, 45 minute workouts while eating clean. 

There will be a modifier to follow for those needing to ease into it more. For those members of Beachbody On Demand Annual All-Access, this program will be available automatically the day its released. (If you don't know what BOD All-Access is, you can check that out here.